Buruli ulcer (BU) imposes a serious economic burden on affected households and on health systems that are involved in diagnosing\nthe disease and treating patients. Research is needed to find cost-effective therapies for this costly disease. Plants have always been\nan important source of new pharmacologically active molecules. Consequently we decided to undertake the study of plants used\nin traditional treatment of BU in Benin and investigate their antimycobacterial activity as well as their chemical composition.\nExtracts from forty-four (44) plant species were selected on account of reported traditional uses for the treatment of BU in Benin\nand were assayed for antimycobacterial activities. Crude hydroethanolic extract from aerial parts of Holarrhena floribunda (G.Don)\nT. Durand and Schinz was found to have significant antimycobacterial activity a gains M. ulcerans (MIC = 125